Why your software partner needs to be laser focused on product launch

Innovation is key to staying ahead of the competition in the software world. The process of developing and launching software - fast, on time, and on budget, is crucial for a company's success. That is why when a company is planning to build software, one of the most critical decisions a company must make is selecting a vendor with a proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. However, the benefits go beyond just meeting deadlines and financial constraints. Choosing a vendor with a pragmatic approach to software release, emphasizing early launches and incremental improvements, can be a game-changer for your project.

The Pitfalls of Delayed Launches

1. Increased Risk of Failure

One of the primary reasons to prioritize on-time delivery is to mitigate the risk of project failure. Sometime back we wrote a great post about why software projects fail and how to save them. It’s worth repeating some of the data from that post. The CHAOS reports published by the Standish Group is a study of software projects in a wide range of industries and countries. The CHAOS Reports have been published every year since 1994 and are great indicators of the state of the software space.  The 2015 report studied more than 50,000 projects around the world, ranging from small software projects to huge ones.  The results show clearly the trend that software projects are failure-prone. Take the summary pie charts in the report (shown below). The red is ominously present in all the three aspects that were judged - budget overflows, timely delivery, and feature achievement. In a more recent study, Gartner found that 45% of software projects get delayed by at least a month. So delayed launch is a real and present danger.

The longer a software project takes, the more likely it is to encounter unforeseen challenges, such as changes in market conditions, shifts in technology trends, or internal organizational changes. By adhering to a timely release schedule, a company minimizes exposure to these risks and ensures that its software remains relevant and effective in the ever-evolving business landscape.

2. Getting Features Right the First Time

Launching early and iterating allows for the immediate validation of core features. When a company delays its software release in favor of an extensive development cycle, there is a higher likelihood of investing time and resources in features that may not align with user needs or market demands. By releasing software in phases, companies can gather real user feedback early on, enabling them to make informed decisions about the direction of the project and refine features based on actual user experiences.

3. Early User Feedback is Invaluable

In the world of software development, user feedback is gold. Launching early allows companies to put their product in the hands of real users, gaining insights into its strengths and weaknesses. This early feedback loop is invaluable for making informed adjustments, identifying potential issues, and ensuring the software meets user expectations. Delaying the launch deprives companies of this critical input, potentially leading to costly revisions after a full-scale release.

The Pragmatic Approach to Software Development

1. Launch Early, Launch Often

A vendor with a pragmatic view on software development understands the importance of launching early and iterating frequently. This approach not only reduces the time-to-market but also allows companies to establish a presence in the market sooner, gaining a competitive advantage. Moreover, it creates a continuous improvement cycle where features are refined based on real-world usage, making the software more responsive to user needs.

The release early, release often philosophy in software has proven time and time to work. This philosophy was popularized by Eric S. Raymond in his 1997 essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar, where Raymond stated "Release early. Release often. And listen to your customers".

2. Incremental Improvements Foster Innovation

Rather than aiming for a massive, all-encompassing release, a vendor focused on incremental improvements encourages a culture of innovation. By breaking down the software into manageable phases, companies can prioritize key functionalities and respond to changing requirements or market dynamics more effectively. This flexibility is paramount in a landscape where adaptability is synonymous with success.

3. Cost-Effective and Predictable Development

Choosing a vendor with a track record of delivering software on time and budget ensures a more predictable and cost-effective development process. This not only protects the company's financial investments but also allows for better resource planning and allocation. Predictable timelines facilitate clearer communication with stakeholders, instilling confidence in the project's progress.

Choose your software partner well

The decision to choose a vendor with a proven track record of delivering software on time and budget, coupled with a pragmatic approach to release cycles, can significantly impact the success of a software project. Embracing a philosophy of launching early and iterating with incremental improvements not only reduces the risk of failure but also facilitates early user feedback, ensuring that the software aligns with market needs and user expectations. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, a company's ability to adapt and innovate is directly linked to its approach to software development. Therefore, the careful selection of a vendor with a commitment to timely delivery and iterative improvement is a strategic investment that pays dividends in the long run.

Do you have a software project that you need delivered on time and on budget?

Contact us, we have a 20+ year track record of delivering software on time and on budget and we don’t want to break that record anytime soon!


Why should you use an agency to build your software?

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, companies need to continuously improve their operations and processes to stay ahead. One way to do this is by leveraging technology and software to automate and streamline various functions. However, not all businesses have the in-house expertise or resources to develop and maintain software solutions on their own. This is where software development agencies come in - they offer a range of services to help businesses create, implement and maintain software solutions that meet their specific needs. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of using a software development agency.


One of the biggest advantages of using a software development agency is cost savings. Hiring and training an in-house team of software developers can be costly, time-consuming, and risky. By outsourcing software development to an agency, businesses can save on salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure costs. Surveys show the cost-effectiveness of using an agency in low cost software destinations such as Bangladesh but even if you are not going offshore using an agency close to you will bring down your costs by reducing your HR commitments along with the cost of operation.

Expertise and Experience

Software development agencies have a team of experts who have extensive experience in developing software solutions for different industries and use cases. They have worked on various projects and have the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to create effective solutions quickly and efficiently. They also keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry, so businesses can benefit from the latest innovations and advancements. By hiring an agency in essence you are getting access to their entire skillset and expertise on a need basis, a great example is how we help our software customers with a design team when they need to create visualization of their ideas - the design team comes in for a short time to turn the ideas into mockups and specifications that the software team can use as their guide. The cost to the clients is minimal, yet the benefit is a dedicated design and product team that only giant companies can afford.

Faster Time to Market

Software development agencies have streamlined processes and workflows that enable them to develop and deploy software solutions faster than an in-house team. They have experience working on different projects and can quickly adapt to changing requirements and timelines. This means businesses can launch their products or services faster and gain a competitive advantage.


A software development agency can scale its resources and expertise based on a business's needs. This means that as a business grows, the agency can provide additional resources and support to meet the increasing demands for software development services. Similarly, if a business needs to downsize or reduce its software development needs, the agency can adjust its resources accordingly.

Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing software development to an agency, businesses can focus on their core competencies and strategic initiatives. This means that they can allocate their resources and attention to activities that are critical to their success, such as product development, marketing, sales, and customer service. Software development becomes a supporting function rather than a core competency.

Using a software development agency has many benefits for businesses looking to develop custom software solutions. It can help businesses save on costs, access expertise and experience, launch products faster, scale resources as needed, and focus on core competencies. Businesses should carefully evaluate their software development needs and choose an agency that can meet their requirements, deliver high-quality solutions, and provide ongoing support and maintenance. By doing so, they can reap the benefits of technology and stay ahead of the competition.

Outsource with confidence: 7 Essential Practices for Software Development Success

In the fast-paced realm of technology, the decision to outsource software development can be a game-changer for your business. Whether you're brimming with a brilliant app idea or seeking to revamp your existing one, outsourcing can provide the expertise and bandwidth you need without the hassle of managing an in-house development team. Bangladesh, where we are based is a major hub for outsourced software development projects, and there are really good reasons to outsource here. So over the past 20 years of working with companies from all over the world, we’ve picked up some good tips and tricks about how best to run an outsourced software project. Before embarking on the quest for the perfect development partner, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the best practices that can shape a successful outsourcing journey. Here are seven key principles to guide you through the process:

1. Define Your Reasons for Outsourcing

Before diving into the outsourcing pool, introspect on the reasons driving your decision. Ask yourself, "Do I really need to outsource?" Clearly identify the factors pushing you towards this choice and create a reference list. This introspection will serve as a compass, steering you through the outsourcing process, and aiding decision-making. Ensure that your project is suitable for outsourcing, particularly when specialized expertise, additional support, or time constraints are significant factors. A great read along these lines is this post about finding the right balance for outsourcing parts of your software projects.

2. Choose the Right Partner

Selecting a reliable outsourcing partner is paramount to the success of your project. Look for a company with a stellar reputation and a proven track record of delivering results. While peer recommendations and reviews are invaluable, delve deeper into compatibility. Assess whether the partner's work culture aligns with yours, and if their working hours and communication methods suit your preferences.

3. Look Beyond Cost

While cost efficiency is a driving force behind outsourcing decisions, it should never be the sole consideration. Prioritize the quality of the end product during the selection process. Ensuring that you receive a high-quality solution is essential, even if it means investing a bit more upfront.

4. Thoroughly Scope Your Project

A detailed project scope is the cornerstone of successful outsourcing. Use this as a trial project if you're in doubt about a potential partner. Provide a comprehensive project scope to align everyone's expectations and establish a procedure for handling additional work outside the initial scope. Prevent project delays caused by incessant feature additions and requests.

5. Establish Robust Communication Channels

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful outsourcing venture. Implement strong communication channels to facilitate seamless interaction with the development team. While multiple channels like Slack, email, messengers, Skype, telephone, screensharing tools, and issue trackers may be available, designate a primary channel for efficiency and clarity.

6. Stay Actively Involved

Outsourcing doesn't imply a hands-off approach. Stay engaged with the development process by checking in on progress regularly. Understand the team's requirements for resources and provide necessary input to keep the project on track. Take ownership of the process for optimal results.

7. Embrace Task Management Tools

Regardless of your project's scale or complexity, task management is non-negotiable. Implement a project management or task management system to monitor development progress. This helps you track tasks, understand the pace of development, and identify potential roadblocks in collaboration with your outsourcing partner.

Outsourcing software development can be a strategic move for meeting your company's needs, but success is not guaranteed without a thoughtful approach. This list serves as a foundational guide, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right partner and establishing processes that enhance the likelihood of successful outsourcing. Explore our additional tips and tricks for selecting software vendors to further refine your outsourcing strategy.

Comparing software services export

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Recently World Trade Organization invited us to share our experience in exporting software services from Bangladesh. This was part of their two day initiative of a web conference to compare and understand experiences of service export from LDC countries. Several companies in different service verticals such as animation, software, etc. from Nepal, US, Senegal and other countries presented their experience.

There were also presentations from the government side too from Bangladesh, UK and Turkey. The data analytics on export and import was very interesting particularly Bangladesh’s position in the matrix. Here’s a table of import numbers from UK’s national statistics office:

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Always good to see software services export from Bangladesh picking up the lead role somewhere in the world.

Today’s post is a quick summary of the major points we shared from our experience in exporting software development services for the past 17 years from Bangladesh.

Finding customers

One of the biggest hurdles in software services export is finding customers across the globe. This is true for any businesses but for high cost, high risk undertaking such as software development this issue is very much the central one. Over the years our source of finding projects around the world where we are good fits has evolved. Historically our biggest source has always been referrals. Our existing customers refer us to other companies in their network - this is how we grew the most, in a very organic fashion. Referrals make sense as it automatically gives us the credibility that helps make the decision easier. Also finding potential technical project is always easier when someone is placed in network within a country and that what our existing customers are.

But the interesting fact is that over time this is changing. More and more we find that digital marketing is becoming a major source of finding customers. It is at part, roughly, with our other sources such as trade fairs and direct marketing. The following pie chart shows this experience as it stands currently.

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Regional variations

Over the past 17 years we have worked with numerous companies across fourteen countries around the world. There are obviously a lot of variation between different companies and it is always hard to generalize. However, looking back we can see some patterns within regions of the world which roughly holds out although there are major exceptions of course. The following table goes over those generalized views. The green circle with checkmark means we found our experience easy and without major frictions or delays. The yellow warning sign says we had some degree of difficulty or delay in those regions.

The rows represent various issues, e.g. red tape is all about government regulations and compliance issues. The columns are rough geographic regions.

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Our major hurdles as a software service exporter

There are many hurdles for a software service exporter, but the following two questions are the biggest ones:

How do we find software projects outside of Bangladesh?

Software projects are always difficult to find. There are no standardized location where they are published - they are hidden away in printed adverts, closed door RFPs or tenders, short time publications online, even on social media posts. So it is extremely difficult to find these opportunities in the first place, particularly if you are located geographically thousands of miles away from the country. Over the years here are the things that worked for us:

  • Referrals

  • Local partnerships

  • Trade fairs

  • Increased visibility – in bound digital marketing

  • Social media outreach

And here are the ones that didn’t work:

  • Outbound marketing (e.g. email campaigns)

  • International RFP responses

How do we prove we are reliable?

And once we’ve found an opportunity the next big hurdle is how do we, situated so far away from the actual location of the work prove that we can actually deliver. Again, over the years here are things that have worked for us:

  • Referrals

  • Local partnerships

  • Case studies

  • Demonstrations of software

  • Contracts and NDAs

What doesn’t work for us:

  • Certification, CVs

  • Brochures and other marketing assets

Overall the webinar was a great experience and the things that we learnt from it was very useful. We are grateful to WTO for including us in the webinar, for letting us be one presenters.

Top Benefits of Hiring an Offshore Software Development Company

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There’s a constant uptick in security breaches of companies around the world. It’s a never-ending concern for security professionals, especially since countless organizations are not giving it much attention.

A study by IBM Security/Ponemon Institute conducted in 2019 concluded that the average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million. This raises an important question, "What can companies do to safeguard themselves from these attacks and potential losses?"

How do software vulnerabilities affect businesses?

Software vulnerabilities are flaws or weaknesses in software that compromise the security of a company’s system. These issues can be critical for businesses as a data breach or system attack can easily cost millions of dollars in compromised files, operational challenges, and system maintenance.

How to prevent security vulnerabilities

Data breaches show no signs of letting up; therefore, having secure software is vital to every organization. Although not all attacks can be fully anticipated, many can still be avoided by following the tips below.

Define Security Requirements

You must ensure that security requirements are clearly identified and observed during the entire software development life cycle. This includes business objectives, company policies, risk management programs, and applicable laws and regulations.

Be Mindful of Third-Party Software

Minimize the risks of being exposed to vulnerabilities by managing the use of unsafe third-party components. If using third-party software is inevitable, only use those with Code Signing Certificates to guarantee its authenticity, effectiveness, and trustworthiness.

Consistently Identify Vulnerabilities

Limit an attacker’s window of opportunity by regularly checking your systems for vulnerabilities. Assess and test the software's code to identify new risks. Establish an efficient response program to ensure security researchers can log weaknesses as soon as possible. 

Get Help from the Experts

Since developing innovative, functional, and secure software is what software development companies focus on, they have a strict and consistent process and guideline that they follow for every execution. In a nutshell, they’re the experts who can effectively help your company with your infrastructure.

Why hire an offshore software development company?

To help businesses decide how software development vendors can help with their system security, we’ve broken down the top benefits of hiring an offshore software development company.

Guaranteed Security

Trusted software development vendors are experts in their industry, especially with system security. They are knowledgeable about the dangers that companies can face and how to mitigate them. Partnering with the right firm means you’ll have access to professionals that would turn your business and security requirements into a reliable product.


Outsourcing your development project is a more efficient and financially sound choice since you won’t have to hire and train an entire team to create software. You can use the money you save for the betterment of your company.

Reduced Liabilities

A software development process requires a lot of valuable time and resources. It demands full attention on the core objective, from the inception phase to the deployment of the solution. 

To maintain the project, you must have a dedicated team to handle the task and acquire the tools for development. These obligations can be expensive for companies, especially for small and medium-sized businesses trying to minimize liabilities while maximizing the efficiency of available resources.

Faster Development Time

Competition is tight in today’s market, so producing secure and functional software in a short time will benefit a company. In-house development requires hiring software developers and researching rigorously on the best tools needed. Without the technical know-how, this can take a lot of time and delay the entire process and compromise quality.

Utilize The Top Resources And Technologies

The technology landscape is rapidly evolving, with technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, natural language processing, and many more changing how industries operate. Different resources are being utilized in offshore development, which enhances the development life cycle and their ability to create powerful software that influences innovative technologies.

Offshore development offers a simpler course to expanding your business and leveraging the decade’s technological advancements. Not to mention the security and peace of mind that it can offer your company. Ensure seamless business continuity and growth with these insights.

Cost of offshore software development for 2020

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We are a software development consultancy based out of Bangladesh. One of the big reasons companies from all over the world approach us for software projects is the relatively lower cost of production in countries like Bangladesh. The risk of getting your software made by an external team located literally thousands of miles from you is always big. But sometimes your budget makes your options limited and selecting a good external software consultancy can keep the cost in control without taking too much of a risk.

A common questions we get asked how do our costs compare with the rest of the world. This is always very hard to answer because even within a single country the cost of software development varies by a considerable margin. Take US for example, even when you take a large sample and average out you get a variation from $20 - $80 for the same experience and skill set.

However knowing a ball park number always helps and makes your search for finding the right software consultancy easier. I wanted to share the result of our own surveys and googling today, this is a ball park chart we keep to share with our would be customers and also for ourselves too make sure we offer competitive rates to our customers.

Here goes, range of costs per hour (in USD) for 2020 based on regions where there are considerable software development consultancies. The costs are based on “blended” teams in mainstream technologies such as .NET/Python/Javascript development, etc.

Eastern Europe: $25 - $55

Custom software development rates in Eastern Europe vary by a very large margin between countries. For example rates in Ukraine are significantly lower compared to Poland.

The following chart shows the highest hourly rates in our data country by country:

Latin America: $35 - $50

Latin America is the fastest growing (CAGR of 5.84% over the period 2015-2019) software development destination currently with Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Chile leading the way. With time zones matching all major cities in North America the industry has a huge advantage over other offshoring destination when it comes to software projects originating in US and Canada.

We found the hourly costs to be on the relatively higher side during our research, the following shows the highest rates for standard tech stacks from only the large providers.

Africa: $15 - $35

Africa is emerging as a big offshore software destination with a young population set to double by 2050. In GitHub’sState of the Octoverse report, developers from Africa created 40% more open source repositories over the past year— bigger growth rate than any other continent. Morocco is leading the in this stats, but others are catching up. The following shows our data for highest hourly rates:

Asia: $12 - $50

Asia has a lead on the number of developers and companies that work on custom software development. India obviously is the clear leader but many other countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, Pakistan are also become major providers of offshore development support. Given the large number and variation in skills and maturity the very large variation in hourly pricing is expected.

The following shows the highest hourly rates in our data for countries in Asia:


There is a large number of offshore software development companies available to any company looking for new software partner. The most important factor for a successful software project at the end of the day is to find a good software partner. Software development rates will vary over regions, this is to be expected. But more interesting metric to follow is how the rates and skills change over time. An example is Bangladesh, which used to have very low rates about a decade ago but was also lacking in skills and experience. As the industry matured the resource on offer become more skilled and experienced and obviously that led to much better quality. Better quality leads to a growth in the industry as more projects starts feeding into the market. This obviously leads eventually to a rise in cost as the demand for the skill increases. Finding the optimal balance of cost vs. quality that fits a software project’s budget is the key.

How to reduce the cost of making a software?

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As a custom software development company a common question we get asked is about reducing the cost of development. Software development is expensive. Even using relatively lower cost countries such as Bangladesh or Cambodia, a startup owner is likely to spend the largest portions of her funds on making the software. Yet software is only a piece of the story and usually the one of the first ones, huge costs waits for her in marketing and sales that she has to budget for. Hence cost optimization and reduction is an important strategy for the software development, and if done right can be a deciding factor for the success of the startup.

Here are some strategies we suggest to startups (and even established and large companies) to manage, optimize and reduce their software development costs:

Use an outside development company

Salary cost, particularly development salary cost takes up the largest regular cost of a company. An in house software team is invaluable, there is no question about it but when budgeting becomes tight, using an outside development team that can be dialed up and dialed down on short notice is the single best move a company can take. This gives them immense flexibility to adjust and control the cost on a regular basis and defer the risk of financial commitment of an in house dev team (which I think is essential once the software and business is established).

Source: Inc article

Source: Inc article

The graphic here shows the social sharing and marketing company Buffer’s average monthly costs. Thanks to Buffer’s open book policy this information is available for a live 7+ million dollar annual revenue company and will give a rough picture of how the costs are laid out. As expected about 69% of cost is spent on salary (for 64 employees when this data was taken).

In case of this example, the company has already produced its flagship product. The initial time when the product was being built would incur a much larger cost. For many software projects and startups this initial injection of fund can a big problem or might lead little or no funds for the marketing effort that will follow the launch of the product.

Finding good software development vendor and utilizing that vendor in an optimal way can give startups a huge edge over its competition yet keep the overall flexibility in its business operations.

Advancing the project tasks by non developers

Many software project tasks can be done in house by the founders or members of the existing team. Getting these tasks done would mean that the total effort by the software development team (in house or outside vendor) would be reduced. This leads to higher productivity for the team and obviously less cost per feature.

A great example of project tasks that can be done by a founder herself (or non developers in the team) is the creation of initial product ideas and wire frames. Sometimes founders approach dev teams just a list of ideas say in an email, this means the development or product team has to work to turn those into usable specification. This requirement analysis cycle can be quite prolonged if the founder or key stakeholder hasn’t fleshed out the ideas well and has to go through prolonged sessions involving members of the technical team or the outside vendor. The whole process can be fast forwarded and compressed if the founder can think through the ideas and use an easy to use mockup tool (our favorite is of course balsamiq ) draw out the ideas. The whole requirement process then gets cut down by as much as 80% in our experience.

Non development stakeholders and founders can also help out on many other areas of the software development process like testing, helping with documentation etc. All of these add up to create substantial reduction of costs for making the software.

Keeping the requirements stable

One of the biggest way of increasing cost of a software project is feature creep or constantly changing requirements. When a software development team has a clear specification it can plan and implement the features at a very fast pace. But as soon as those initial specifications start changing or new features start creeping in (because “business demands it”) the cost of rework and changed priorities will also pile up. Over time this single cause lead to cost increases by 100-200% if not controlled in our experience. So this is a single big area to be concerned about and control to keep the cost of software development under control.

Software without anger: managing vendor relationship

Isn’t that a great title for an article about software development? If you’ve ever been involved in a software development project this would ring bells! And if you have not been, but you are thinking of starting a software company or working with a vendor to make a software you should definitely learn about this. Because want it or not, anger will come. You’d be very lucky if it’s only once in a while that people are angry, it could easily be that the whole project is a series of angry exchanges!

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This is a problem that can easily be managed (if not completely avoided) if you take some simple steps. So here goes our strategies for anger managed software project. I want to split these strategies up in separate articles, one about managing anger between you and the outside software development partner, one about strategies to use to manage anger when your developers are in house and the last one about strategies to manage your own anger (remember, you are sometimes one of those angry people)!

Today’s article is about strategies for managing software projects that are outsourced to custom software development company like us.

  1. Expect and accept anger as normal in software development.

    In any endeavor where there is a lot of unknowns and yet the risks and cost of getting things wrong are big anger is natural. Anger is actually sometimes good sign in software projects - it shows people involved in the process are emotionally attached to what they are doing and they care enough to voice things out. It is the negative aspects of anger like the blame game, shutting off channels of communications, creating bias, etc. that are destructive that you have to be worried about. If you expect and accept the fact that there will be anger, you can take steps to reduce it, manage it or channel its energy to a creative force.

  2. Know that software development is a fluid process.

    The top thing you need to understand when you are managing anger or designing a process to reduce it, is that software development is inherently a fluid process. You just can’t have it structured as precision engineering process (e.g. like a building a bridge) where everything is thought out and can be measured. Every step of the software development process involves reviewing what you initially thought needed to be done and changing it. Remember why Agile process is so successful - “embrace change”. So all your contracts, documents, dev cycles, demos, monitoring, analysis of work should have the possibility of change taken into account. For example your software development contracts with the vendor should have clauses to cover situation where there are changes. Timeline and delivery milestones should have padding for inevitable change. The list goes on.

  3. Scope, scope and scope.

    The full software will probably do a lot of things one day (maybe even change the world) but for the small block of time that you are working on, or the immediate delivery you are waiting for will only be for a small section of those things. So you’ll need to first identify clearly what you want to achieve, define and document those features and then communicate that to the developers. You are scoping the limits of a delivery. If you do that clearly, right up front and stick to it (as much as possible without harming your business) you’ll get rid of most of the destructive anger in a software project.

  4. Have regular scheduled meetings.

    As the software is being built offsite by a team that is not always in touch with you regularly things can easily go in the wrong direction. It’s essential to have regular meetings at short intervals. That makes it easy to find errors early, give feedback early and get the development back on track faster. Bunching up a lot of development work to be reviewed in one go is a recipe for disaster and fights. It is counter productive and actually wastes much more of your time than the time you thought you were saving but not doing regular meetings. How regular? Depends on the nature of the project, but I will say the meetings should never be more than weeks apart.

  5. Create an environment of trust and collaboration.

    For a software project that is outsourced this is a really big one, and most of the responsibility fall on you as you are the ultimate customer as much as the software team is concerned. You set the tone of the collaboration. If you set it so that it’s always combative then you’ll have your vendor always trying to be defensive. They will hide things from you, be less proactive, less likely to point out errors on your part. Set the tone from the start that you have trust and that the project is a collaboration. That will make way for conversations that addresses issues with reason rather than emotion or subterfuge.

  6. Always celebrate victories.

    Make deliveries and reaching milestones a big thing. Treat your team to a party, give them some symbolic gifts (even a congratulatory email goes a long way). This celebration renews the relationship, gives it the time to rest and prepare for the next cycle. And most importantly this celebration makes it easy for people to forget bad feelings and make them move on with renewed energy. It is like the restart button on a game gone wrong!

That’s all for today, wait a bit for my other one about keeping your in house development process happy. By the way this article was my chance once again to use old black and white pics stolen from the web particularly of the three stooges. We used to have this as a tradition for all our articles some years ago!

Mobile games development in Bangladesh

At Kaz we’ve been developing mobile applications for ages. When we did our first few apps way back in 2008 (scary!) we learnt our first lessons about how different the mobile space was. We blogged about our experiences.

Over the years we’ve honed our skills and learnt the art of making cool mobile apps that hits the spot. Mobile apps just have to be enough to get your job done without fuss and no more. And while it’s being not fussy, it needs to be uber stylish! Easy we say these days, and love any new mobile app that comes our way. With more than 30 apps under our belt we can certainly say we’ve been around the block!

Today’s blog will be a bit unusual. I’ll just put up some random thoughts and mini-wisdom that we’ve picked up over the years working as the mobile games developer based in Bangladesh.

Mobile games are a different beast

Now in the wide world of mobile apps, games are the most fun to make. But as the title says, they are a different beast altogether. There’s a bunch of things that you just have to get right to make a superb game.

Graphics and play

You’ve got to get the flow just perfect with graphics that oozes with fun and gaming moves that are fun and swift.



If you have those sorted out then you get into the wonderful world of performance tuning. Making the game fast in a wide variety of devices (if you are covering Android then some historic junks in that mix too!) is a real challenge.

Store presence

And once all of that is done and dusted you have the challenge of making it stand out in the super crowded marketplace. We are a full service mobile apps developer, so we help our customers with everything related to getting the game on store which includes all those cool videos and screenshots that need to get people to download. Probably the hardest part in the story if you ask me!

Now enter in this story the new phenomenon of

hyper casual games

The italic, bold and large casing for this class of mobile games is intentional. They are a Universe on their own. The magic word in this space “fast“. How fast can you churn out a concept and get it live to try out download? See in this world there is no known formula, even the best ideas can die in a matter of minutes. The only thing that a software partner for mobile apps can help is to make the games as fast as possible. We help our customers with these projects by brainstorming out the bare basic game that has the main element of fun in the game play. We get this built in a matter of weeks (usually days) and get them out to the play store for testing out user adoption. The holy grail is user download and retention on day 1 and 5 (hopefully).

New rules for a new ball game.

Anyway, gotta go. Told you today’s blog would be weird one. But if you are looking for a uber cool, super fast software development company for mobile apps give us a ping. We think we can help you. Use the form below to get a free quote for the mobile app you want to make. You’ll be surprised!

Software entrepreneur's starting up checklist

We’ve been helping software entrepreneurs for the past 15 years to build their apps and bring the products to market. Helping startups is in our genes, as we started out with helping fledgling silicon valley startup get back on its feet. And over the past one and a half decade we have helped more than 20 startups get their products released.

We know it’s never a easy journey, it’s hard for the cash strapped entrepreneurs to make decisions about what to build and what to leave out, when and how to release their products, how to get their first customers and how to improve the product from those customers’ feedback. We have helped them navigate these murky waters, and in the process we have learnt a lot. Over the years we’ve blogged a lot of our experience that we want to share with with would be entrepreneurs and today I’ll try to distill our thoughts to almost a checklist of things that every software startup owner should be aware of before starting out on their bumpy ride.

0) Know the basics of software development

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It’s the zeroth item in the list because it’s expected. Don’t get into a business unless you know the basics of that business - simple. This doesn’t mean you have to know Python programming or need to know how to SQL join. It’s great if you do (and many of our startup owners do because they were software developers themselves) but your role when you are wearing the entrepreneur hat does not need you to do them and actually it’s better not to know them with that hat (but you might be wearing the developer hat on other times - remember many startups are just a person show!). As an entrepreneur you need to know the basics of how things are done, what fits what and some basic tools. 5 Tools all non-technical software founders should use is a great starting point, but a little more googling will you great tutorials. Khan Academy is a great resource, here’s one that I give out to non-techie owners to start with: What is programming?

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1) Find the right developer

Now that you know that you want to build the app you need the people to build it for you. The first step is to decide if you want to outsource this or if you want to hire your own developers to do it (or of course if you want to write it yourself). Deciding to outsource your development or not is a guide we wrote sometime ago to distill our ideas around this. It’s usually straight forward to decide but if you decide to get an external company to build the app for you a much harder question is to find that vendor. How to select a software vendor? gives you some of our thoughts around this, and Testing an outsourcing partner is our cheat sheet for checking on your vendor.

2) Setup the right contracts

Once you found your vendor you’ll need to setup the contracts that protect your software and your product deliveries. Software development is a fluid process, where you need space for both you and your vendor to change and adapt as you progress through the development. Too tight a contract will make this process difficult and bring up frictions that are hard to remove leading to a bad software or no software at all. Too flexible a contract and you are at risk of getting a bad deal or a really bad product. Our article 5 things every software contract needs shares our ideas of coming up with contract that works.

3) Run the right process

When the software is being built there needs to be a set process for interacting with the developers. You’ll need to monitor but not start breathing down their necks. You’ll need to prioritize, guide and help the team navigate with your business priorities in mind since the goal of the software is clearly to bring in business but you’ll need to be careful not to derail things in the way. Not an easy task, but 5 things a software entrepreneur must remember gives out some of the advice we give to our startup owners.

How to select a software vendor?

Let's face it, selecting a software vendor is not easy. There are just too many out there and it's very much like what you feel when you are looking at many brands of vaguely similar products in the supermarket and trying to decide which one to pick up! Today, I'll try go over some of some of the things we feel that you should consider before picking up your vendor.

When you select a software vendor or software developer, you don’t just commit to a piece of compiled code. You’re committing to a way of doing business. That software – if it’s the right tool for the job – could be something you and your employees use regularly for years. And if turns out to be a square peg in a round hole, you’re SOL, back to square one, repeating the same software search you thought you just finished.

With so much riding on your selection, how the heck do you do it right? How do you find that magical software vendor, custom development team, or SaaS provider that works for you?

Evaluate the Product

Almost everybody starts their vendor search by shooting a swarm of RFPs into the void and hoping that helps narrow things down. The problem with RFPs is that nobody wants to tell you that they can’t do something. Once your RFP process weeds out the folks who aren’t ready for your jelly, you can start actually finding out what solution will work.

At this stage, you should get some hands on time with their product or, if you’re scouting custom development, their previous products. Sit through a demo, then see if you can get your hands on a trial version or run a smaller project with them first.

Pick software like you’re Goldilocks: not too slim, not too robust. You want the feature set that’s just right. Plus, you’ll see how stable their work is, and avoid critical crashes during crunch time.

Evaluate the People

You aren’t just buying a software solution, you’re getting a vendor and all the people therein. Find out what their company culture looks like. This might be the single most important factor of all. You need a vendor that shares your vision of the business landscape. Do they operate on the same time schedules that you do? If your business runs an Agile shop dropping weekly updates, imagine how much of a hassle it’d be if your vendor only updates yearly.

The people you work with should be responsive enough to take care of your issue before they cost you money. Whether that’s support issues, implementation work, or feature requests, how your vendor communicates with you can make or break a relationship. And make no mistake, this is a relationship, so chemistry matters as much in business as it does in romance.

Evaluate the Partnership

Your software vendor will become pretty integral in your business operations, so you want to make sure they operate as your partner, not just as the guy who sold you something. Are they excited about your project? If you’re looking at an implementation or custom development process, this is incredibly important. Your vendor will play midwife to your product concept, so they should care about it enough not to drop your baby.

Make sure the pricing scheme they offer works for you. That might mean exploring alternate pricing structures – fixed price, hourly with or without a cap, monthly fees, etc. It’s in both your interests to set a price that works for everybody. Your success and your vendor’s success are linked; if one of you goes out of business, the other one gets hurt as well.

Choosing a vendor should be more than just ticking off features on a checklist. You need to review the whole partnership, including the people you’ll work with and the partner you’ll have. Remember, we succeed together and fail alone.

Oh, one last thing, consider us when you are searching for developers who will build your next great app. We are a small award winning software development company solely focused on helping our clients design and build their software products. 

5 things every software development contract should have

Software projects are different from many other projects where a physical product is built. And hence there are some issues that a software development contract should address that are not very common is other contracts. Yes, like other contracts there would the usual suspects like commitments, warranties, liability, etc. But here are five not so common ones that our experience says are essential for a software contract.

1. Initiation Period

This allows both sides to disengage easily for a limited period of time after the start. This is essential because only when a project is started does it become apparent if the relationship is a workable one. A great software company with perfect skill set, gold plated credentials may turn out to be very bad at communicating ,for example. Similarly for a software company it may turn out that the client just can't agree on technology choices. Whatever it is, if there is no fit the project will fail or the process will be painful. This lack of fit becomes quite obvious very quickly. So the contract needs to take this risk into account.

Here is clause we commonly have in our contracts to cover for this initial period:

"The Parties agree that they shall commence the engagement with an initiation phase of six calendar weeks, commencing on the Effective Date of December 1, 3001. Acme inc. will provide services during the initiation phase, and BigShot inc. shall be liable for payment for such services. During the initiation phase, this agreement may be terminated with one calendar week’s notice; at the end of the initiation phase, the agreement shall enter into ..."

2. Change Requests

A software product is a moving target. You can have the world's best specification when you start but you'll end up with a software that is slightly different when you finish. This is normal. This is the way it should be. Because as the software interfaces are being built new requirements arise or old requirements change or die out. If development stays rigid and doesn't listen to these change requests the resulting software will not be good. So "embrace change" is the way to go. But, how do you setup a contract to cover this risk?

There is no single answer that fits all size. How you address this in the contract depends very much on the project. If the specification, for a project, is very good and detailed a wording that allows a certain percentage of change may work nice.  Here is an example:

... up to and including between 5 and 10% changes in any Work Product, order, and other goods and services that Acme inc. produces or designs under this Agreement at no additional cost... 

If the spec is not that clear then the above wording would be disastrous! Here is an example that just might work in those cases (this is what we have used in some projects):

 "...If the proposed change will, in the Developer's reasonable opinion, require a delay in the delivery of the Software or result in additional expense, then the Customer and the Developer shall confer to first determine whether the request is a Change Request or an Additional Feature Request. Where it is agreed that the request is a Change Request, the Customer may in that case elect to either
(a)    Withdraw its proposed change, or
(b)    Require the Developer to deliver the Software with the proposed change, subject to the delay or additional expense or both..."

3.  Software IP

This is an obvious one. So I won't spend time on this, but just mention something that sometimes is missed or not considered. In many projects the software developer might use a library or a component that it has built as a re-usable tool to be used over and over on client projects. The IP for such components belong to the developer but the contract wording should allow the customer to use it royalty free. Here is template that works nicely:

"...To the extent that developer uses any developer IP when providing Work Product for customer under this Agreement, developer grants customer a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to perform, display, use, reproduce, modify, and adapt the developer IP, in any medium or form of communication now existing or hereafter developed, within the Work Product..."

4. Non-Competition

An inherent risk of employing a software development company to develop software is that they might also be hired in the future by a competitor or even worse make the software themselves. The contract needs to address this risk clearly with a non-competition wording somewhere. Here is an example:

 "..for a period of x years after the termination of this contract the developer shall not develop, reproduce, promote, distribute, market, license or sell any product or service that competes directly with the Work Product provided to customer, nor shall the developer enable any third party to compete directly with customer..."

5. Hiring Resources

The team that builds the software becomes experts of the system. If the software project becomes very successful the customer may want to retain certain members of the team. The software development company would obviously be worried about this. So this need to be clarified right from the beginning in the contract. Software resources are precious, so this is a delicate situation and finding the right balance is difficult. Here is a wording that is pretty fair:

"...customer may request developer to place named team members as direct customer employees, with the express prior written consent of developer. Developer shall be entitled to compensation for placement of such employees; the relevant compensation shall be discussed and agreed prior to any discussion of such placement with the employees concerned..." 

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. You should always seek professional legal advice when you are setting up a contract. 

As usual, I'll finish with a stolen cartoon from Dilbert. But to give something small back, have you read Scott's book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life"? If you haven't you should. Really good stuff. 

Be careful techies, I'm Dutch!

How should Dutch software project leads manage and run their outsourced software development?

This was a question that came up when we published our recent article about how Dutch software project leads are different than others (and why those differences are good). In today's article I will try answering that question based on our experience in working in software projects from the Netherlands for more than a decade. 

Warn that you are Dutch (and you are direct)!

There is no denying it, you are likely to be perceived as difficult (or at best: different) when you use your natural directness. This perception can make things go wrong, and lead members of your offshore team start to think your sentiments as always negative. Software is all about collaboration and a perception like this will make collaborative work hard and result in a bad software.

Testimonial for Kaz Software from International Guidelines - an Amsterdam based software startup.

As I argued in that other article, this directness is really your asset in a software project - so don't even think about changing (or "adapting" as some people may say, stretching the agile philosophy too much). To address the risk of a negative perception all you have to do is remind your team at the beginning (and then time to time) that you are Dutch and the Dutch are known to be direct - they don't usually mince words. You will find that your software team actually appreciates this directness - once they understand that this is how you are from a cultural context. Any good software team understands very well the need for constructive criticism of their work. And once the fear of negative emotion is gone it will make things simple. It has always been that way with all of our projects.  

Beware of deadly high PDI

PDI is power distance index. Which, in the context of software development, can be explained as a measure of:

How unlikely is a junior programmer to tell a senior team member when he spots an obvious error in the latter's code?

High PDI means team members stay silent and don't speak up their concerns. PDI varies by nations. And it has been shown (and you really don't need data for this, you can feel it) that countries in South and South East Asia have high PDI. Which translates to the fact that your developers are less likely to speak out against you even if they know you are wrong. Check out our article about the risk of PDI in software projects.

This becomes an acute issue when you mix a Dutch person as the project lead/owner/client and an outsourcing team in a high PDI country. The Dutch person speaks out with directness that is her natural instinct, the high PDI "stricken" developers start to take her words as the law - so there is no debate, no arguments. A software cannot be made without debate (and we say even fights) - and the situation above removes those essential debates leading to bad design, bad technical decisions and thus bad software.

So what can you do? Difficult to answer this. You can of course hire a company who has a culture of speaking out (and thus low PDI), for example us (ahem!). Kaz Software does a lot of things to keep the PDI low (check out our article about this: Killing PDI ), and so does many other companies who recognize this threat. The other option is to create this awareness yourself within the team, particularly the team lead or the interface person. If the external team lead understands this she can then mitigate the risk within the team.

Insist on visibility of day to day workflows

This is important in any outsourced software project, but particularly so if you are Dutch. This visibility will give you data to act on, take corrective steps on a much granular level. This would reduce a lot of friction that are likely to happen if you see results after long periods.

Insist on making the task management/issue tracker available to you online. You should be a user in the system and be able to add/modify/comment just like any other team members.

There must be (as with any project) a build system that lets you build and use the software at its current state. A dev and a QA server should let you see and use the software at any time. And you should set aside dedicated time to play with the software regularly (ideally daily) and give feedback on what you see. This is a basic agile step, but also an important step to prevent friction.

If you have software people on your side, the code repository should be regularly used to compile the application being built independent of the build system that the dev team has. This will let you identify technical issues early in the process. 

A weekly call is a must for any software project, but consider daily calls too if you can keep them short (otherwise they become detrimental to the workflow).

Break the ice

I've saved the easiest and the best for the last. Most of the time all you have to do is just create a good relationship with the team. If you can break the ice, everything else becomes that much easier to do.

If your budget permits visit the team, do some activity away from work together. Even a trip to the local food street and just hanging out with the team will do wonders. If a trip out is not possible then consider doing a video conference together with team and make it a non-work thing. It could be a simple introductions and sharing of stories. Tell a funny story, joke a bit and the rest becomes easy.

Distance makes human relationships seem rigid and artificial. Add to that the cultural difference and your infamous directness, things can seem very non-human-like. Break the ice, humanize the endeavor and you'll see that things are much simpler than it seems.

Before I leave: we are doing an ebook: "Guide to happy software outsourcing" where we will summarize all the little tips that we have been writing about. Leave your email address with us and we will email you when it's ready.

5 things software entrepreneurs must remember

Having a great software idea in your head and a fast moving software team to make that idea a reality is what it must be like to be on drugs. It’s addictive, it makes you stay high and there is nothing in this world that you can quite see with pessimism. This is what makes software entrepreneurship so attractive, this is what makes thousands maybe even millions give up their jobs and jump into this unknown, knowing all the risks and odds.

But beyond all the known risks there is an enemy that is always lurking– and very few people recognize it. If not recognized this enemy can kill.

The enemy is within. It is your enthusiasm! Yes, the very thing that makes the start-up successful, the experience amazing and that fosters innovation can also if not kept in check destroy everything.

Kaz, as a software development consultancy, that works with early stage start-ups and their highly driven owners and leaders, we’ve seen that enemy many times. And we have helped our clients tame this enemy and use it in right direction for the right causes.

Today I will list the top 5 reminders we give to our clients - to keep that enemy in control.


1. Remember that the app will solve only one thing.

In the mind of the owner the original idea of the software evolves and starts to become something that can solve anything. Maybe it can, but time and money both are limited. And the urge to add yet another feature to cover yet another use case can derail the software building process and eventually delay things enough to make the app fail.

The only way to keep things in control is to remember that however great the app, it will probably solve only one human pain – that is the most important use case and everything else can be discarded. The focus should be only that single use case, and release with that use case.

We sometimes suggest our clients to have the use case put into a single sentence, print it out and paste it in front of them somewhere visible.

2. Remember to compromise

A piece of software is all about compromise. You have to compromise on features, bugs that need to be fixed, delays you have to accept – the list is endless. By knowing when to compromise and on what, you make development process smooth and meet the deadlines. And most importantly for early stage startups get the release up where people can start using it.

For entrepreneurs, their idea and thus the software is like their own child. This makes it very difficult to compromise. In some cases, we’ve found, they forget that it is good to compromise. They start treating compromise as something evil. And this has huge negative impact on delivery schedules.

Remembering to compromise is something that makes the difference between a software out on production box and a software in an endless loop of fine-tuning in the dev box.

 3. Remember to trust others

Software requires collaboration. A single person cannot get everything done to get a software from ideas to reality. And collaboration implicitly requires trust.

Normally a software group can easily create trust amongst its members (obviously things can go wrong, but that’s because of some real problem in the team). But in a start-up scenario, especially in its early stages, sometimes the owner can find it difficult to form that trust relationship with her developers. The cause, I think, is because of the constant feedback she gets from the team about the time it might take get certain cherished features done, etc. As harbinger of bad news, typically the team lead may seem to be the person who always dampens the spirit. This can sometimes make the owners difficult to trust the lead or the team. And if that happens everything suffers.

Teaching herself to trust can be one of the best things that an entrepreneur can do to help the team. When we face circumstances like this, we try communicating this in various ways. Not being Dutch and not having the wonderful ability to say things directly makes it difficult for us! But our way out is to do it in little steps and also to involve the owner more with the actual development process so that she can understand things better.


4. Remember that the software is for others.

This one is the hardest to remember. The entrepreneur lives with the idea and process of software building with such focus that, we find sometimes, she forgets that the software she is building is actually for someone else – users! Remembering this important, knowing what your first customers are like and that the fact they might have completely different persona and requirements than you keeps the feature planning and decisions on track. What you may value as important may not be what your average users would value so much.

We suggest doing a regular thought exercise where a question starts with “When user Mr. X uses this feature…” to our customers. This sets the context and understanding that the software need to be viewed through the eyes of a typical users. Our interaction designers are big on Alan Cooper’s user persona creation process and we have found that including the owner with that process helps immensely to disassociate herself from the target software users.

5. Remember that there is a tomorrow.

Owners sometime forget that software has the possibility of versions. What we cannot achieve in this version can easily be added to the next version. Splitting up the features into versions and phases is the essential software project management activity.

Sometimes it’s hard to push cherished features in the back-log, and owners feel like that they have to cram everything in the next release. If the next release is the first one, this is most painfully felt. Remembering that there is a tomorrow that a new release can be done pretty soon – even really the next day can help a lot.


Are Dutch companies difficult to work with?

We sometimes get asked the question: "are Dutch companies difficult to work with?". We get asked probably because we have been working with companies in the Netherlands for more than a decade. There seems to be a perception (at least among software consultancies)  that they are "difficult" and I think I know why that perception exist. I'm going to argue today that the qualities that create that perception are exactly the qualities that every outsourcing software project owner should have to make that project a success. 

But first a disclaimer: it is always risky to generalize, and I'm no world expert on how the techies of a nation think (does that make me safe from some of those eggs and tomatoes ready to be thrown at me?). 

Here are the qualities that I find common in Dutch software project leadership:

Persistent concern for the state of the project

The project managers or the owners have an almost palpable feeling of concern that the project might be going in the wrong direction. This keeps them pinging back for regular status checks, keeps tech teams on their toes and there is usually a lot of communication. 

I think this is the single most important thing that EVERY software project owner should have, irrespective of the fact its an external team or an in-house team that is working on the project. If the team is external, and especially if the team is thousands of miles away this is probably the factor between a project that is failing and one that is successful. But note that this sometimes this might create an impression in the tech team that the leadership cannot fully trust their ability - so this has to managed well to keep the team productive.

No mincing of words- the directness

Dutch project leads don't shy away from saying negative things if they see it. Whereas in other cultures (including Bangladeshi, but most painfully in the English) there is a tendency to keep negative things unsaid. Not so with the Dutch, and this is just perfect in the context of software projects. You just cannot stay polite and hope that those bugs or those obvious missteps in the dev process will fix themselves. 

At Kaz this is something we try to code into our genes (check out the article about this: killing the deadly PDI) - to be direct, to say the negatives without worrying about how your colleagues would feel because this is the only way to make great software. It's incredibly lucky that with the Dutch project this valuable trait comes automatically.

Budget consciousness

Although it is obvious that every project leadership should be conscious about the budget, you'd be surprised how many stories there are about projects eating up the complete budget because the stakeholders get carried away with features or they just don't plan things well. Software projects are prone to go off track - estimates tend to be wrong, features tends to bloat, owners  love to get fixated about some use case that they must have yet no one uses.

Being budget conscious keeps the project on track. It lets everyone make informed decisions about where to compromise, what feature to prioritize and most importantly when to  stop. So having this in project leadership makes projects successful.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say, and I can tell from Kaz Software's experience in working on Dutch software projects for the last eleven years that whatever it is, the Dutch certainly have a flair for successful software. We are proud to say that we've never had a project from the Netherlands that had failed!


Meet us.

We'll be in the Netherlands

22-26 November, 2016

If you are around and want us to meet you, to discuss a software project, please drop your email address below. 

Update: One of our customers in the Netherlands recently did a video about our work with them. Thought this is a perfect place to share that.

Nightmare in code street - a software project horror story with a happy ending

I recently came across a documentary, spaghetti code, that talks about how a multi-million Euro software outsourcing project became a disaster. The film was in Dutch but given the topic, which is the focus of most of my energy these days at work, I persevered to understand. And with the help of my Dutch friends got to the gist of the story, which is sadly a very common one – big company outsources software development to another big outsourcing company, there are many layers of management and not everyone is sure what is being done, the project fails and developers far away gets an unfair proportion of the blame (although to be fair, the documentary blames the management too and also there additional twists of greed and corruption).

I smiled and then raved a bit with righteous rage (being a techie in the inside meant the slur of “spaghetti code” and blaming it all on the developers touches a nerve or two). Then I cooled down and decided to write my “ultimate guide to safer outsourcing” or something along those lines. Which, by the way, is what I was planning anyway for my series on software project outsourcing – the first of which appeared last week: deciding whether to outsource or not? But a little more reflection led me to ask:

 Was I also not hiding behind righteous indignation and the comfort of the “blame them” myself? Weren’t there a story or two of my own where things went wrong?

Let’s face the facts; a software project is difficult to pull off smoothly even if the team is in-house. Add to that difficulty a team that is miles (sometimes thousands of miles) away, different culture, different language and different time-zone – you have a really risky venture. There are of course ways of managing that risk. They are time honored, field tested and pretty fool-proof – but they are to be the subject of a different article soon. Today, I’m going to face my nightmare and tell you the story of how everything went wrong in one of our projects, and (happily) how we survived and saved that project. I can’t go into too much details, of course, but will stick more to an overview and on what we learnt from the experience which I think will be of more value to my readers.

The project

It was an angel funded project trying out a very innovative solution for a common problem that happens in large companies. There were three people on the client’s side with none of them with any prior experience in software. They had an existing codebase – a left over from a different company that they had used and did not like.

The spec

We received a large amount of documents at varying degrees of up-to-dateness (and yes, that is an acceptable noun). Then we did several sessions of going through the concepts. We found that the clients have actually moved away from many of the features as described in the specs. This is something very common with start-up, actually it was surprising that they had specs at all, so we were not worried.

The process

We are an agile shop when it comes to process. For startups we choose a Kanban model, where pretty much everything thing can change at the last minute (within reason). This works best for start-ups because most of their priorities and product requirements move with time.

We chose trello for issue management, google docs for sharing documents, github for source control. We put a tried and tested scheme of weekly meetings and daily builds. Since we saw a lot of instability in the feature requirements, we added a short but daily feature discussion session with the clients and our designer and  project manager.

The nightmare

Almost from the start things started going wrong. We kept getting feedback that the product features were not what they were expected to be, this led to piling up of tasks that were adjustments to features we’ve already done. This backlog led to delays in delivery of major releases planned – which led to our clients losing important business. Something was very wrong, but we didn’t know what it was. We had put in all our standard safety measures in. We were communicating (maybe too much) on a daily basis. It just didn’t make sense.

The realization

After several missed deadlines and lost weekends (which we avoid the like the plague because it’s the worst thing you can do the developers’ productivity) we decided we need a proper retrospective. We pinned the problem down to the following:

1.       Clients could not visualize the features that were to be built based solely on the wireframes we were using. We had opted to do quick wireframes to speed up the process to meet the delivery schedules of the client (typical for start-ups that need to demo to prospective investors).

2.       The feature priority that the clients were setting was not taking into consideration the relative level of effort for the features. So we were not doing the good practice of picking up easy to do features first even though they might be slightly lower in priority than other harder features.

3.       Unrealistic expectation about deliveries, and correspondingly ambitious estimates from the team trying to appease those expectations.

The happy ending

We spent days thinking up of new and quite frankly convoluted fixes. But finally we boiled them all down to an absurdly simple solution – there needs to be a techie on our client’s side.

We managed to convince our clients (somehow, don’t ask me how!). They hired a consultant who would work with them 3 days a week in a role of a product manager. And things changed for the better almost immediately. The fix really felt like a miracle cure.

The moral of the story

… is that: there is no single formula for making your outsourced software project safe from disasters. There are prescribed best practices that you must follow, but stay alert for signs of failures and jump in with remedies when you see them.

Well that’s the horror story. You can never really depend upon a foolproof process in this world. But there is one thing you can certainly depend upon – there will always be an appropriate dilbert strip that you can steal, for anything to do with life in engineering. Here is my loot for today’s article.

5 points for deciding to outsource or not your app development


You have an idea for a great software or an absolute need to get an app done to boost your productivity, but you don’t have software developers. How do you make your app? Do you hire developers or outsource it to a bespoke software development company?

These questions are not easy to answer. From our experience in this space for more than a decade, here are the top 5 things to consider.


Do you have enough money to hire in-house developers and also spend on marketing?

If the answer is yes then it’s a strong reason not to outsource. We’ve got to be honest here, having your own developers working next to you is the best, if you can cover some of the other risks around this. But you should also consider, if it makes sense to get more mileage out of your funds by using a lower cost source or if you want to spend more on marketing, keeping the development cost in control.


Do you or your in-house team have experience managing a technical team?

If you answer yes then that’s perfect and you will need that experience whether you outsource or hire internally. But if you answer no, then that is a big reason for outsourcing your project. As anyone with experience in the software world will tell you, software project management is a pain (and also an art). With an outsourced project, if you choose the right partner, you can also outsource that pain to someone else! Set the milestones and your delivery expectations, reasonably, and it’s the job of an experienced project manager to get those expectation met.


Is some unique algorithm or convoluted calculation the main business value of your application?

If you answer yes then this is a strong reason not to outsource, at least that part of the software which is unique. When you outsource you don’t have direct control over the resources and a developer who might have the whole algorithm figured out in her head might just leave and it’s very difficult for you to stop that. Also, business sense says that the knowledge should stay in your control. Google wouldn't be google if they outsourced their search logic!

The solution could be that you hire developers for the core and save money by outsourcing the the rest. Or you could have a contract which lets you have the option of hiring the resources at some point.  Here is something that we sometimes have in our contract to cover this situation:

“...Acme inc. may request Kaz Software to place named team members as direct Acme inc. employees, with the express prior written consent of Kaz Software...”


Does your in-house team have a variety of technical skills?

Software requires all sorts of skills. To start things off you need a variety of ideas in your brainstorming so that innovation can happen. Then you need designers to draw things. You need technical people to say what’s possible, what’s a good trade-off (“oh that will take years to support on Internet Explorer”) and you need them to write the code (of course!). Then you need testers to check if there are bugs and systems guys to find the right server to deploy and launch the product.

When you are using an in-house team, usually you have to get by making the same person to put on multiple hats. This may work but it limits the set of ideas and possibilities. When you outsource, you usually get a pool of resources from which people can be drawn into your team at the right time and then moved out. This is a big one for going the outsourcing route if your local team is small or non-existent.


If you have a business plan and the market research that says things should be a sure shot then going in-house works. But if you are not sure and know that the road might be rocky ahead then having development outsourced is much safer - it lets you ramp up or ramp down fast. With an in-house team both growing and reducing fast is painful and expensive. And having a reputation of that instability makes it that much difficult to hire talented techies from the market.  

Worried? Don't be. At the end it's an adventure and if you play thing right a really good one. Contact us if you need our advice or want to consider us for developing your app. We have loads of experience helping customers like you. 

Offshore software development in Bangladesh

Today I will make a case for outsourcing software projects to Bangladesh.

The new offshoring destination in the block

Bangladesh is fast becoming a major player in software development outsourcing. The volume of software projects offshored here has doubled almost every year for the last couple of years. More than twenty thousand people are now working in software or IT services industry. The software industry in Bangladesh is mainly involved with exporting services like custom software development, SQA, design and graphics to European and North American markets.

Micro offshoring revolution! 

Separate to this formal sector, a huge informal sector of Bangladeshi freelancers are driving a micro-sourcing and micro offshoring revolution! Bangladesh consistently tops the freelance work location on sites like oDesk, eLance. This is really an amazing phenomenon, driven mostly by teenagers

​Average cost of a 25 people software project. Source: KPMG study

​Average cost of a 25 people software project. 

Source: KPMG study

Bottomless resource pool

Bangladesh is the 8th most populous country in the world. There is a huge supply of young, trained and English speaking (English being taught from day one at our schools - a side effect of being an ex-British colony) resources. The total cost operation for a typical software offshoring operation is almost 40% lower than countries like India or Philippines. Apart from resource costs other costs like infrastructure, support and management the price advantage with competing outsourcing destinations is significant. Cost of living in India for example is fast becoming comparable with countries like Malaysia or Thailand and thus the future of outsourcing advantage to India is decreasing every year.

This is where Bangladesh outshines others - with very similar educational standards, Bangladeshi resource pool is not fully tapped and its potential to become a major software outsourcing destination is exactly like India of the 90's. A recent KPMG study is a very good read to get an idea about this. 

Maturity of the industry

Software organizations are also becoming mature and standardized. Companies like us that has been doing software development outsourcing from Bangladesh since 2004 have gained huge experience over time. The wide range of projects that we (and other companies around us) have done exposed our developers, testers and mangers to the challenges of software development process. This has created a strong base of experienced, mature and skilled resource who in turn mentors new comers in the profession. A lot of our alumnus has formed separate companies of their own to do offshored software projects, and have carried on the maturity and experience into new areas of works. This migration has also had an effect of evolution on the culture of workplace and software creativity that Kaz values.

More such companies are being setup with proper development  process and management required for outsourcing needs. The creative culture for software development of such organizations are also noteworthy.

We look forward to a great future in software outsourcing in Bangladesh.


N.B. Just in case you are new here: we are a custom software company  in Bangladesh making custom web, desktop and mobile apps for other companies and being very good at it! Check out this page to know more about our software development work culture and environment.