Outsource with confidence: 7 Essential Practices for Software Development Success

In the fast-paced realm of technology, the decision to outsource software development can be a game-changer for your business. Whether you're brimming with a brilliant app idea or seeking to revamp your existing one, outsourcing can provide the expertise and bandwidth you need without the hassle of managing an in-house development team. Bangladesh, where we are based is a major hub for outsourced software development projects, and there are really good reasons to outsource here. So over the past 20 years of working with companies from all over the world, we’ve picked up some good tips and tricks about how best to run an outsourced software project. Before embarking on the quest for the perfect development partner, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the best practices that can shape a successful outsourcing journey. Here are seven key principles to guide you through the process:

1. Define Your Reasons for Outsourcing

Before diving into the outsourcing pool, introspect on the reasons driving your decision. Ask yourself, "Do I really need to outsource?" Clearly identify the factors pushing you towards this choice and create a reference list. This introspection will serve as a compass, steering you through the outsourcing process, and aiding decision-making. Ensure that your project is suitable for outsourcing, particularly when specialized expertise, additional support, or time constraints are significant factors. A great read along these lines is this post about finding the right balance for outsourcing parts of your software projects.

2. Choose the Right Partner

Selecting a reliable outsourcing partner is paramount to the success of your project. Look for a company with a stellar reputation and a proven track record of delivering results. While peer recommendations and reviews are invaluable, delve deeper into compatibility. Assess whether the partner's work culture aligns with yours, and if their working hours and communication methods suit your preferences.

3. Look Beyond Cost

While cost efficiency is a driving force behind outsourcing decisions, it should never be the sole consideration. Prioritize the quality of the end product during the selection process. Ensuring that you receive a high-quality solution is essential, even if it means investing a bit more upfront.

4. Thoroughly Scope Your Project

A detailed project scope is the cornerstone of successful outsourcing. Use this as a trial project if you're in doubt about a potential partner. Provide a comprehensive project scope to align everyone's expectations and establish a procedure for handling additional work outside the initial scope. Prevent project delays caused by incessant feature additions and requests.

5. Establish Robust Communication Channels

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful outsourcing venture. Implement strong communication channels to facilitate seamless interaction with the development team. While multiple channels like Slack, email, messengers, Skype, telephone, screensharing tools, and issue trackers may be available, designate a primary channel for efficiency and clarity.

6. Stay Actively Involved

Outsourcing doesn't imply a hands-off approach. Stay engaged with the development process by checking in on progress regularly. Understand the team's requirements for resources and provide necessary input to keep the project on track. Take ownership of the process for optimal results.

7. Embrace Task Management Tools

Regardless of your project's scale or complexity, task management is non-negotiable. Implement a project management or task management system to monitor development progress. This helps you track tasks, understand the pace of development, and identify potential roadblocks in collaboration with your outsourcing partner.

Outsourcing software development can be a strategic move for meeting your company's needs, but success is not guaranteed without a thoughtful approach. This list serves as a foundational guide, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right partner and establishing processes that enhance the likelihood of successful outsourcing. Explore our additional tips and tricks for selecting software vendors to further refine your outsourcing strategy.