WebRTC development and Jitsi stack customization

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WEbRTC video conferencing Applications

We’ve built several WebRTC based video conferencing solutions customized for specific business domains. These include medical applications that let’s doctors, nurses and external support staff communicate using a secure platform. Our conferencing applications integrate with other systems such as billing, reporting, monitoring to provide a complete solution.


Customization of open source Jitsi stack

We have been working with the open source Jitsi stack from very beginning and have customized it for various application domains. We have put in API layers for service monitoring, call data analysis for billing and reporting. We have also worked on mobile adaptations for Jitsi both in iOS and Android platforms.

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WebRtc cloud setup and integration with apps

We have extensive experience in setting up and running large scale mission critical WebRTC clouds and building integration points with such platforms. Integrations we have done includes mobile app, integrations to existing web applications to provide video conferencing support and call data analysis and reporting.