Sourcing your software talents from around the world

A brave new world has arrived. A world where the age old concepts of work, workplace, office, meetings and all things related to work has changed forever. And I’m not talking just about WFH. Sure, work from home (WFH) or as some people prefer to call it “remote work” has become accepted, in some cases become permanent, but I’m talking about a much bigger thing than the acceptance of working from home. I’m talking about a paradigm shift in our way of doing work. The past two years (almost!) has forced this shift in us - in most case without us fully knowing. The paradigm shift is the idea that - work can be decomposed, spread out to talents who can do them anywhere in the world and re-composed. Any work can be split up into little blocks, and those blocks can be done by anyone, anywhere in the world and then those blocks can be put together and made into a whole.

This new paradigm works wonderfully in software work. Software development was half way there anyway, with teams spread out, tools of work (like the source control, servers) in the cloud, etc. But the pandemic just pushed the model further - specially to the skeptics (read management!). The formula for the new world in software projects is:

Step 1: Find talents anywhere in the world

You don’t wait for the talents in your neighborhood anymore. All you need to do is decide what skills you need to get the job done and then find a source for the talent online. There are freelancers and consultants available on sites like Upwork or Toptal or if you are looking for a more professional team that can take care of the whole blocks of things for you (and if need be the whole project) then you find a reputable company on a site like Clutch or you can rely on software company like us (shameless plug, but not too bad an advice).

Software is the same everywhere in the world - that’s the beauty of standardized syntaxes and compilers. So why wait? Treat the entire world’s software skills as yours to pick from - exactly like shopping from Amazon instead of your corner store!

Step 2: Bring them under your project’s virtual roof for a set period of time

The set period of time is the beauty of this new world. No longer are you tied to huge burn rates and HR overheads. You slot in the right skills at the right time and slot them out when their job is needed. If you can get the right partners and the right tools in place then it’s like magic - suddenly you have access to hundreds (if not thousands) of resources whenever you need them. It’s like being Microsoft on a puny budget!

Step 3: Get your software made!

Of course! This part is the same as before, well mostly. You will probably need to do a bit of composition with the blocks - that is bring the outputs together for the final software. In all likelihood you’ll probably do it the old style way but this too can be done in the new way of doing things and just relying on the resource cloud that you have in your hands!

The brave new world is great. The world is your oyster now. Happy software development.

Psst… if you want a great software team to help you make your software give us a shout at or just use box below to send us a message :)